Featured Artist

Marika Christofides
Bug Girls (Martha)

Kel Mur
Forbidden Fruit

Katherine Brewer

Gabrielle Schaub
Garden Bed

Sarah Hearn
Microbial Universe
Artist Staments
Marika Christofides - Bug Girls (Martha)
Bug Girls (Martha) uses feminine-coded print ephemera including recipe books, sewing packets, and greeting cards to create digital collages. Christofides then translates the collages into prints and print-based installations that evoke a feminist bio-scientific imaginary. Martha/Beatrice was originally part of a larger installation called Bug Girls which "infested" a gallery space. These Bug Girls, including Martha, challenge traditional gender roles recontextualizing the perception of femininity.
Katherine Brewer - Implantation
Implantation is a series of intaglio prints supported by acrylic stands with card stock backings. The imagery is developed by the artist, based on a close friend’s embryos implanted during in vitro fertilization. Cells appear covered by scratches in the plate as the blank paper of the space is reduced. This series responds to the uncertainty of the early weeks of pregnancy, and reveals tension on a microscopic level.
Sarah Hearn - Microbial Universe
Microbial Universe is a site-specific installation including 101 colorful felted microbes suspended in a black void. The microbes mimic stars and planets dispersed among the fabric of our universe. The piece also reflects the multitudes of microbes and the traces of stardust within each of us. Microbial Universe highlights the unnoticed presence of microbial worlds in our daily life. The effects, which we are just beginning to fathom.
Kel Mur - Forbidden Fruit
Forbidden Fruit is a site specific installation that examines the course of natural decay. Locally sourced apples have been placed within the artpost so that their natural routine of decay can be observed and contemplated. The apples are pulled from nature and separated from it by the glass, but will fade away. Witnessing death can change us abruptly in mind, body, and spirit. Forbidden Fruit, confronts us with decay and our frequent cultural dissociation from it. The rotting apples, kept away from the ground, struggle to return to where they came from.
Gabrielle Schaub - Garden Bed
Garden Bed embraces fluctuation in terms of materiality and imagery. This depiction uses aged timber as a framing device and cardboard as a substrate. Referencing cycles of consumption and visible signs of wear, the piece illustrates deterioration over time. The ambiguous and ephemeral nature of the landscape emphasizes life on earth. Using vibrant rhythmic color to symbolize diversity in experiences and ecosystems, Schaub is interested in blurring the binary of “human vs nature” in order to consider the potential of our infinite interrelations.